Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Breasts are beautiful.

Breasts cushion your fall when you find yourself flat on your face.
Breasts protect your internal organs when you find a football going straight into your chest in front of a huge audience (True story. It didn't even hurt. Ball bounced halfway to field).
Breasts are floating devices. Test it, it's true.
Breasts ooze yummy delicious healthy food. I'm referring to a baby's perspective.
Breasts are a girl's best friend, they are always there for you. They're good listeners, and even hold your tears when you're crying.
Breasts are fun. Don't you enjoy how they bounce to music when you do?
Breasts are sexy.

It would be a crying shame if we lose them.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Life after TedxDubai...
The event was extraordinary. Though none of the speakers were briefed on what to say, there was a recurring theme of: Introspection, Positivity, Dreaming, and Persistence. To start with Introspection, I thought I'd look into myself, to understand myself better so I can picture my future in the best, most realistic way.

Well, that was a can of worms!

You see, I, like many modern Arab women, am a big bunch of confetti. Modern Arab women may know who they are, know their values, but when defining them, it's a collection of many contradictions. Let me explain....

Residence...I have lived in 3 continents. One was European, the other in the Middle East, the third in North America. I know, I know, typical Arab. And in true Arab style, our family has moved for career, education, economic and political stability, so we ended up being a mix of all the places we lived in and all the travels we've made. I have very strong patriotism to where I'm from, though I've never lived there. I love the country I'm residing in now, and it's truly, completely, undoubtedly my home. As for the European and North American cities I've lived in, transit. Can't possibly be home, even though I was born in one of them.